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Darwin's Echidna Papua New Guinea coffee 250g bag
  • Darwin's 'Echidna' - PNG Madan


    Tasting notes: Apple, caramel, cherry

    Strength 3/5



    • Additional Infomation

      Farm: Madan Estate

      Varietals: Typica, Arusha, Bourbon and Catimor

      Processing: Fully washed

      Altitude: 1,600 meters above sea level

      Town: Mt. Hagen, Waghi Valley

      Region: Jiwaka Province

      Country: Papua New Guinea (PNG)



      PNG is a unique island nation, situated on the eastern reaches of the Indonesian archipelago. Home to nearly 7 million people with 800 different languages.  PNG is truly a nation secluded from the rest of the world, and a land of tribes.


      There are two hubs for coffee production in this unique origin – Goroka in the Eastern Highlands and Mt. Hagen in the Western Highlands. Throughout the land between these two central cities, you will find collections of hidden coffee gardens, grasslands, and plantation blocks dotted between braiding rivers, surrounded by towering mountain ranges. This area is Wahgi Valley, and the source of this coffee.


      The Valley is home to some of the most beautiful Birds of Paradise, such as the red Raggiana (Paradisaea raggianna) and the yellow Greater Bird of Paradise (Paradisaea apoda apoda). The culture here is rich, with colorful ceremonies called Sing Sings utilizing the feathers of the many bird species in the area.


      Environmental sustainability is a top priority within the Madan Estate. Native shade trees are planted and managed to promote biodiversity throughout the farm. Chemicals are prohibited and natural methods are utilised to fight pests and help with soil fertility. Additionally, waste management prevents any harmful wastes from coffee processing to pollute the surrounding ecosystems. This has allowed the thriving of species such as tree kangaroos (Kapuls) to maintain healthy lifestyles amongst the coffee trees.


      Not only does the Estate care for the environment and the quality of the coffee, but they also prioritise the wellbeing of its staff. Housing is provided for seasonal and full-time staff members, with the Madan Health Clinic available to assist employees and their families with their health needs. Funds are also allocated towards community development and establishing water, power, and sanitation projects at eight local schools and three community centres. There is also a school and community centre, providing resources to the local community.


      Madan Estate also works with the surrounding tribes growing coffee, assisting them with the processing of their coffee. With their support, tribal producers are beginning to learn how to become more efficient producers, growing higher quality coffee and earning more thanks to increased market access.


      During the harvest, after the cherries are carefully handpicked, they are delivered to the mill to be sorted. The cherries are then de-pulped to remove the external fruit. The freshly pulped coffee then soaks in a tank of water over night to initiate fermentation, breaking down the remaining mucilage. In the morning, the coffee is dispersed to dry in the open sun for 5 – 6 days. Once complete, the coffee is sent to rest in the seasoning boxes before export.

      Madan Estate is truly a magnificent farm in PNG, setting examples for other farms throughout the region to grow high quality coffee within the beautiful nature of the Waghi Valley.


      Why 'Echidna'

      Echidnas are medium-sized, solitary mammals covered with coarse hair and spines.  They are egg-laying mammals and live in Australia and New Guinea. The four species of echidnas and the platypus are the only living mammals that lay eggs.


      Echidnas are very timid. When frightened, they attempt to partially bury themselves and curl into a ball similar to a hedgehog. Their many predators include feral cats, foxes, and domestic dogs.


      Sir David's long-beaked echidna (named after Sir David Attenboroiugh) and the western long-beaked echidna are both listed as critically endangered with populations declining. The eastern long-beaked echidna is listed as vulnerable.

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